Calcium Chloride Dihydrate

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CAS NO: 10035-04-8


MOLECULAR WEIGHT :- 147.01 g/mol

Description A White, Crystalline powder or fragments or granules, odorless, hygroscopic. White or almost white, crystalline powder, hygroscopic. White or almost white, crystalline powder, hygroscopic.
Solubility Freely soluble in water and soluble in ethanol (96 %)
Appearance of solution


Clear and not more intensely colored than reference solution YS6. 10 % solution is clear and not more intensely colored than reference solution Y6.

(A)   Reaction  Of Calcium

(B)   Reaction of Chlorides

(C)   Assay

A.   Reactions of Calcium salts

B.   Reactions of Chlorides


A.   10% solution gives reaction of  chloride

B.   It gives reaction of  calcium

C.   It complies with the limit test of assay

A.   Reactions of Calcium salts

B.   Reactions of Chlorides


Acidity or Alkalinity To 10 ml of freshly prepared 10 % w/v solution add 2 drops off phenolphthalein solution. Titrate with 0.01 M hydrochloric acid or 0.01 M sodium hydroxide. If the solution is red , than not more 0.2 ml of 0.01 M HCL  need to discharge the color and if the solution is colorless, not more than 0.2 ml  NaOH is required to turn it red.
pH 4.5 – 9.2
Arsenic     NMT 3 ppm.
Barium After not less than 15 min. the solution is not more opalescent than a mixture of 10 ml of solution and 1 ml of distilled water. After 15 min, Any opalescent in the solution is not more intense than that in a mixture of 1 ml of distilled water and 1.0 gm of sample.
Aluminum  &Phosphate


No turbidity or precipitate is produced. No turbidity or precipitate is formed. NMT 1 ppm
Iron , Aluminum  &Phosphate No turbidity or precipitate is formed.
Heavy metals NMT10 ppm NMT10 ppm
Iron          NMT 20 ppm. NMT  10 ppm
Magnesium  and Alkali salts  NMT 1.0 % NMT  0.5  % NMT 1.0 %
Sulphate    NMT 300 ppm NMT 300  ppm
Organic Volatile impurities Meets the requirements
Assay      97.0 % to 103.0 % 97.0  % – 103.0  % 99.0% – 107.0%


Calcium Chloride Dihydrate is a white deliquescent compound which is commonly used as a reagent in biochemistry. Calcium plays important roles in many biological processes, including signal transduction, muscle contraction, maintenance of cell membranes and cell wall stability. Calcium chloride is a soluble compound that can serve as a source of calcium ions in a solution. The compound can be useful for displacing ions from solution; for example, phosphate may be displaced from solution by calcium.


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