Potassium Acetate

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CAS NO: 127-08-2


MOLECULAR WEIGHT :- 98.14 g/mol

Description White or almost white, crystalline powder or colorless cryastals,deliquescent. White or almost white, crystalline powder or colorless cryastals,deliquescent.
Solubility Very soluble in water, freely soluble in ethanol (96 %)

A.   Reaction

B.   Reaction


A.   Reaction of acetates.

B.   Reaction of potassium



A.   Reaction of acetates.

B.   Reaction of potassium


Appearance of solution Clear & Colorless
pH 7.5-9.0 7.5-8.5
Heavy metals NMT 20 ppm
Limit of Sodium NMT 0.03 %
Reducing substances The solution remains pink.
Chloride NMT 200 ppm
Sulfates NMT 200 ppm
Aluminum NMT 1 ppm
Iron NMT 20 ppm
sodium NMT 0.5 %
Loss on drying NMT 3.0 % NMT 1.0 %
Residual Solvents Meets the requirements
Assay 99.0 %-101.0 % 99.0%-100.5 %


Potassium Acetate is a potassium salt employed to replenish electrolytes, for restoration of water-electrolyte balance, as well as a urinary and systemic alkalizer. Potassium Acetate can be administered orally or by intravenous infusion. Formerly, It was employed in diuretics and expectorants. Potassium Acetate is hygroscopic and insoluble in ether.


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